A/V/N-다니요? grammar = ...really? ~express surprise or disbelief while repeating what someone said.

A/V/N-다니요? grammar = ...really? ~express surprise or disbelief while repeating what someone said.

A/V/N-다니요? grammar = ...really? ~express surprise or disbelief while repeating what someone said.

Download A/V/N-다니요? grammar = ...really? ~express surprise or disbelief while repeating what someone said. Free

L2.90 A/V/N-다니요? grammar = (Surprise)...really...?...~express speaker’s surprise or disbelief while repeating what someone said.

- Express speaker’s surprise or disbelief while repeating what someone said = (Surprise)...really...?
- The grammar can be used in all tenses (present, past, future) (example 5, 6)
- The grammar can be used in mid-sentence in form of -다니/-라니. (example 7)
- The grammar can be used to repeat what someone said with the same sentence structure. (example 9)

1. In declarative sentence
- 현재: A-다다니요?  / V-(느)ㄴ다다니요?  / N-(이)라니요?
- 과거: A/V-았/었다니요?  / N-였다다니요?  or N-이었다니요?
- 미래: A/V-(으)ㄹ 거라니요?  /  N-일 거라니요?

A: 춥다 -- 춥다니요? -- 추웠다니요?  -- 추울 거라니요?
V: 가다 -- 간다니요? -- 갔다니요? -- 갈 거라니요?
N: 의사 -- 의사(이)라니요? -- 의사였다니요? -- 의사일 거라니요?

2. In interrogative sentence
- 현재: A-(으)냐니요? / V-(느)냐니요?  / N-(이)냐니요?
- 과거: A/V-았/었냐니요?  / N-였냐니요?  or N-이었냐니요?
- 미래: A/V-(으)ㄹ 거냐니요?

A: 춥다 -- 춥냐니요? -- 추웠냐니요?  -- 추울 거냐니요?
V: 가다 -- 가니요? -- 갔니요? -- 갈 거니요?
N: 의사 -- 의사냐니요? -- 의사였냐니요? -- 의사일 거냐니요?

3. In propositive sentence
- 긍정: V-자니요?
- 부정: V-지 말자니요?

보다 -- 보자니요?  -- 보지 말자니요?

4. In imperative sentence
- 긍정: V-(으)라니요?
- 부정: V-지 말라니요?

말하다 -- 말하라니요? -- 말하지 말라니요?


1. 저분이 우리 학교 교장님이세요.
- 저분이 교장님이시라니요? 택배 아저씨 아니었어요?
That person is our school president.
- He’s the president? Not a delivery man?

2. 토니 씨, 늦었는데 이제 가요.
- 벌써 가자니요? 이제 10시밖에 안 되었는데.
Tony, it's late, so let's go.
- You already want to go? It’s just 10 pm now.

3. 수지 씨가 복권에 당첨되었대요
- 북관에 당첨되었다니요? 그게 사실이에요?
I heard Suzy won the lottery.
- She won the lottery? Is that true?

4. 중간시험이 언제인지 알아?
- 언제인지 아냐니? 다음 주 화요일인데 몰랐어요?
Do you know when the midterm exam is?
- When is the exam? It’s in the next Tuesday. You didn't know that?

5. 그 사람을 몰라요.
- 그 사람을 모른다니요?/ 모르다니요? 우리 고등학교 친구잖아요.
I don't know that person.
- You don't know that person? She is our high school friend.

6. 지연 씨가 병원에 입원했대요.
- 지연 씨가 병원에 입원했다니요?/ 입원하다니요? 갑자기 왜요?
I heard that Jiyeon got hospitalized.
- Jiyeon got hospitalized? What happened?

7. 다음 주는 새해네요
- 벌써 새해라니 시간이 정말 빨리 가는 것 같아요.
Next week will be new year.
- (Surprise) It's already the new year. It seems that time really flies.

8. 토니 씨가 한국에 돌아온대요.
- 벌써 돌아온다니요? 미국에 3년 정도 있겠다고 했잖아요.
I heard that Tony is returning Korea.
- He is already coming back? Doesn't he say he would be in US for 3 years.

9. 부장님이 오늘 야근하래요.
- 오늘도 야근하라니요? 어제도 했는데 또 하래요?
The department head said to work overnight today.
- He said to work overtime again today? We worked overnight yesterday and now again today?

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