N 때, A/V-(으)ㄹ 때 grammar = when, during ~express the time when an action occurs or its duration

N 때, A/V-(으)ㄹ 때 grammar = when, during ~express the time when an action occurs or its duration

N 때, A/V-(으)ㄹ 때 grammar = when, during ~express the time when an action occurs or its duration

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L1.24 N 때, A/V-(으)ㄹ 때 grammar = when, during ~express the time when an action occurs or its duration

- Express the time when an action occurs or its duration = when, during

- 때 can't be used together with 오전, 오후, 아침, or days of the week.
E.g. 오전에, 토요일에…., not 오전 때

- 때 can be used after 저녁, 점심,  and 방학
E.g. 저녁 때 = 저녁에, 방학 때 = 방학에

Word conversion:

1. N + 때:
방학 때 = during vacation
20살 때 = when I was 20 years old
시험 때 = during exam
점심 때 = during lunch
초등학교 때 = during elementary school
 회의 때 = during meeting

2. A/V ending on vowel or ㄹ + -ㄹ 때:
가다 -- 갈 때
보다 -- 볼 때
만나다 -- 만날 때
만들다 -- 만들 때
나쁘다 -- 나쁠 때
피곤하다 -- 피곤할 때
*살다 -- 살 때
끝나다 -- 끝날 때

3. A/V ending on consonant + -을 때:
있다 -- 있을 때
받다 -- 받을 때
좋다 -- 좋을 때
*듣다 -- 들을 때
*붓다 -- 부을 때
*덥다 -- 더울 때

Examples :

1. 방학 때 아르바이트를 해요.
I work part-time during vacation.

2. 7살 때 사진이에요.
This is a picture when I was 7 years old.

3. 시험할 때 옆 사람의 시험지를 보지 마세요.
Don’t look at your next person’s answer sheets when taking the test.

4. 몇 살 때 첫 데이트를 했어요?
- 18살 때 했어요.
At what age you went for the 1st date?
- I went when I was 18.

5. 크리스마스 때 뭐 해요?
- 친구들과 파티를 할 거예요.
What will you do during Christmas?
- I will have a party with my friends.

6. 시간이 없을 때 자주 햄버거를 먹어요.
When I don't have time I often eat hamburger.

7. 대학교 학생이었을 때 보통 늦게 일어났어요.
When I was a student I usually wake up late.

8. 자동차를 운전할 때 음악을 들어요.
I listen to music when driving.

9. 미국에 살았을 때 영어를 배웠어요.
When I lived in USA, I learned English.

10. 밖에서 놀았을 때, 날씨가 좋았어요.
When we played outside, the weather was good.

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